Welcome to the Art of FoxVox! I’m Kristen Fox, an independent artist and I create original, contemporary Celtic art, watercolor & acrylic paintings, illustrations & colored pencil drawings, and abstract & nature photography.
Celtic Art

A long time ago I fell in love with the intricacies of Celtic art, especially the knotwork. My Celtic art takes many traditional elements and symbols and reinvents them in unique, somewhat contemporary designs. This isn’t necessarily on purpose – it’s just how they seem to want to come out! 🙂

My watercolor & acrylic paintings, as well as my mixed media pieces, run the gamut from somewhat traditional to abstract and surreal. My paintings tend to be quite colorful and vibrant. It’s really fun letting loose with color and shapes and imagination.

I take more of an objective, artistic approach to photography – I tend to be drawn to colorful or strange objects or scenes. I do both color and black and white photography, and one of my favorite challenges is abstract photography – macro images, shots that are out of context, etc – things that make you wonder what the heck you are really looking at.
My art is available for purchase:
– Fine Art Prints – on canvas, metal, acrylic, home goods, and more
– T-shirt & Gift Shop – apparel, mugs, shower curtains, you name it
– Coloring Books – Celtic Designs, Mandalas, Snowflakes
Thanks for visiting!